For Instructors…
QuSTEAM offers multiple avenues for teachers, professors, or instructors to get involved in creating, teaching, and contributing to the development of QuSTEAM curriculum.
QISE is adjacent to many academic disciplines. We help professors across all departments and institution types use a unifying framework for QISE content. We provide instructional materials that build in evidence-based approaches to teaching and learning. Our modular curricula can be customized by instructors in diverse academic fields, from chemistry, mathematics, physics, engineering, and computer science to business, philosophy, economics, and the arts. Broadly employable professional skills and career opportunities are built into course modules.
If you are interested in learning more about QuSTEAM curricula and opportunities, click here to fill out our contact form.
QuSTEAM curriculum is composed of modules that are easily customized, embedded in local curricula, and are capable of being implemented with hybrid instruction or collaboratively between institutions. The QuSTEAM Initiative has already built the first four courses, with 6 courses designed for the QISE Minor. If you are interested in bringing QuSTEAM curriculum to your university, please see our administrator’s page.
We are developing campus-to-industry connections and pathways in a three-pronged approach: involve industry in curriculum development, prepare students for mid-degree industry research, and enhance industry job placement.
Every year, QuSTEAM hosts a summer workshop event that will connect QuSTEAM learners, instructors, administrators, and companies. Members will come together for the QuSTEAM 2023 summer event, which will offer workshop topics from Campus-to-Company in QIS to Active Learning in QISE Instruction. Workshops to iteratively improve the course modules are conjoined to the event. Instructors are encouraged to attend the Instructor Professional Development workshops specific to each course, also connected to the annual summer event.
Regular online events offer another opportunity to build community and improve together as QIS instructors.
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Our team is diverse in areas of expertise, types of institutions, and demographics. We are more than 70+ professors at more than 20+ institutions. More than half our institutions are HBCUs. Importantly, every course design team had strong involvement from education researchers with specialties in curriculum design and teaching and learning to promote diversity, equity, inclusion, justice, and belonging. QuSTEAM nurtures industry connections with diverse campuses and students and prioritizes equitable access to QISE education. Evidence-based instructional strategies— such as active learning, flipped instruction, opportunities for culturally relevant pedagogy, and strong alignment of goals, learning activities, and assessments— are embedded in the curriculum and professional development.
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